What We Do

New Direction Services Inc. in the community helps with the following projects:

A) Food insecurity & hunger
B) Climate Change
C) Health & wellness
D) Literacy
E) Pets Eat Too (PET)
F) Education and Awareness through documentary film (ANDIFF) A New Direction International Film Festival


The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals # 2 is to end hunger and achieve food security by 2030. The power of food choices when available is an effective step toward addressing food insecurity, hunger and climate change. At new Direction Services, our households make food choices when they come to the pantry. Our households include: single persons, elderly, disabled, veterans, families, children, LGBTQIA+
We support NYS farmers by purchasing from them. Households learn the importance of eating whole and plant foods.

We recognize that food production is a significant source of global greenhouse gases. We distribute more whole and plant foods.

Our commitment is to help our households find meaningful ways to curb individual environmental impact.

New Direction Services offers the following Options:

Food insecurity/hunger:

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals # 2 is to end hunger and achieve food security by 2030. The power of food choices when available is an effective step toward addressing food insecurity, hunger and climate change. Our households include single persons, elderly, disabled, veterans, families. We believe in food as medicine.

We purchase fresh produce from NYS farmers.

We purchase NYS produced products.



We address the challenges of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, lung diseases through healthy food options. We provide health screenings including blood pressure screenings during food pantry pick-up. Our community services include wellness workshops and fairs and expos.

Climate Change

The most powerful action we can take as citizens of the world is to upcycle( shop at flea markets), change eating habits, conserve resources, plant trees, recycle and save our planet. Our education and awareness campaigns are making small strides, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.


Our literacy program enters the 25th year providing books to children and seniors. We also organize book events to foster strong literacy and skill building supportive community relationships.

Pets Eat Too

Many households have pets as companions and helpers. When food insecurity affects their owners, they are affected too. Our Pennies for Pets program help alleviate some of this burden.

Education and Awareness through documentary film (ANDIFF)

Filmmakers who are dedicated to celebrating the creativity and passion of life and can bring positive change to society and culture can participate in the festival to challenge the human experience.

Our History

New Direction Services provides resources and services in all 5 New York City boroughs. We are a 501(c)3 non profit organization with tax exempt status granted by the Federal government in April, 2000. We began a cooking class for seniors at a senior housing complex (Bridgeview) in May, 2000. The seniors complained about their food insecurity issues after their monthly social security was used up on rent and medications. As a result, the food pantry for seniors began and later expanded to the disabled, veterans and families with children when the September 11 events occurred.

Get in touch with us

For more information please contact us
